
What do we know about NetPay?

NetPay will be extremely important to your DX In One dealings. Occasionally NetPay has gone offline, or removed the secure socket layer for one reason or another. DX In One will always suspend the service of an ecurrency that for whatever reason has become unsecure. Often they will do this without any notice to DX users. DX In One will only promote ecurrencies with SSL or "secure socket layers".  The longest NetPay has been down so far is 24 hours. It is good to keep your eyes on your browser when using NetPay to make sure that they have not sent you to an unsecure page.

We have recently experienced accounting errors in our favor using NetPay. They have paid us a sum of $19.36 three times. This is actual money paid out three times because there are three different batch numbers referring to this same transaction. We are waiting to see if they discover their error. This shows some instability in the programming which you should be aware of. 

NetPay has offered a 2% bonus to transfer money from e-gold into your NetPay account. This changed in June of 2005 when they offered a single tiered rewards program giving .5% of the e-gold transfer bonus to the referring agent. Ultimately this program is expected to phase out when NetPay becomes a full fledged gold-backed ecurrency.

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